Reid & Sons Directional Drilling Services

Reid & Sons Directional Drilling Ltd. is pleased to offer exceptional hydrovac, horizontal drilling, trenching and many more services to construction companies in Saskatchewan.

Horizontal Drilling


Horizontal directional drilling is our primary focus and we are pleased to offer exceptional horizontal drilling service to construction and utilities companies in Saskatchewan. Our equipment includes Universal directional drills capable of pulling pipe up to 36” in diameter. We have support equipment including hydrovac truck, chain trencher, backhoe and gravel truck to assist in all aspects of the job.

Dugout and Farm Pipeline

dugout water

Reid & Sons Directional Drilling offers services to install complete water distribution systems. From constructing dugouts to installing pipelines we can customize a system to meet your needs. Call for more information.


Chain trencher

Our 660 Case trencher is capable of trenching 6" wide and 5' deep.


Vac truck

Beneath the soil lies a variety of facilities including electrical wires, water and wastewater pipes, natural gas lines, and telecommunications. Hydrovac is the only non-invasive way to uncover these delicate infrastructures. You can trust our dedicated staff to safely and carefully clear a path so you can get the job done.

Pipe Burst

Pipe burst

Recently we added pipe bursting to our list of services. Pipe bursting is a trenchless method that involves digging an access pit and inserting a bursting head into the existing pipe. The bursting head breaks apart the old pipe and pulls the new pipe into place behind it. We can handle various pipe sizes from 4" to 10". Contact us to see if this technology will work for your project.

Contact Information

Reid & Sons Directional Drilling Ltd.
Ken 306-229-9909 Shane 306-270-9833 Office 306-931-0059 MySask 411 Logo
COR Logo
Prairie Sky Chamber of Commerce

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